Thursday, November 15, 2012

Decoding #Menswear and Decoding #Men

Seriously, did anyone else on the Internet see this posted Monday? It reads like my dad trying to decode a rap CD. First, probably because a lot of #menswear slang is swag-jacked (oooo, they missed that one, didn’t they?) straight outta rap music. And second, because as I assume Fashionista is written primarily for females, menswear is just as confusing to most girls as women’s fashion is confusing to most men. What is a bonnet? Why don't sun dresses involve actual suns? What is a bra? My bras and I go to brunch every Sunday, and I know not one of my boys is holding up boobies during a meal of pancakes and eggs benedict. To all the ladies out there, if your man ever mentions how much he’d love to cop a pair of super-dope-tastic-expialadocious dub monks with that buttery calfskin, just know you’re looking for something like this.

One love,


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